Photoshop contest

A Photoshop competition, or sometimes photo flattened, an online game, an internet forum will post an initial image of a website or user - usually a photograph - and other graphical editing software,

using Adobe Photoshop, Coral
Photo Paint, GIMP to manipulate images using , PaintShop Pro, Paint ants or Microsoft Paint.

Photoshop is the industry's map editing program, Adobe Systems, the publisher of Photoshop, to use "Photoshop" to discourage their trademarks to become otherwise generic except for their photo editing software.


editing In this competition, a large part of many funnier uses the Internet.
This type of competition is now getting increasingly involved in many blogs, the popular Internet community radios,

even an entire forum / r / photoshop battles are involved in the competition. Manipulation of this photo Another "underground" variety of jokes involves the mix of celebrities' memories with nude or pornographic images, often in combination with movies, music, magazines, and various forms of popular culture related to it.

Photoshop Tennis

Editing Photoshop Tennis (also known as Photoshop Pong or Photoshop War) is a picture of a "DJ War" of the hip hop song), which is made from a growing photo photo shoot. Photoshop Tennis is a graphic-related internet forum starting in the late / early 2000's of the 1990's, and the earlier image games such as SITO's "Panic" (January, 1994). This game was created in 2001 by Art Director Jim Kudal's "Photoshop Tennis". Layer tennis has been named from the matches of, because it is no longer limited to Adobe Photoshop.

Photoshop Tennis Every match is usually played with two competing players. Players choose an initial image, or are "rendered" by a "player",

another player changes anything in the image to any selected image editor (Matches is not exclusive to Adobe Photoshop). Then they changed the image to other players or players,

usually by e-mail or posting the photo in the Photoshop Tennis Forum, then editing the image and sending it back to the first player. This process goes back as long as a prediction number is final,

or the player wants to finish the game otherwise. When the final round ends, can be an independent judge who has determined who plays the best shot, and declares that the winner,

or the player, can play without a clear winner. Sometimes additional rules can be applied, such as stuck in a special software package, or keeping it from a specific theme.
