the history of Indonesia

the history of Indonesia

the history of Indonesia

Geographical location of Indonesia's history, its natural resources, human relocation and communication, by war and conquest, has been shaped by trade, economy and politics. Indonesia is an archipelagic country from 17,000 to 18 thousand islands (8,844 names and 922 permanent residents) in Southeast Asia. The country's strategic sea-lane position has strengthened the intra-island and international trade; Fundamental shapes of trade in Indonesia's history have started. The Indonesia area is populated by various immigration people, creating a diversity of cultures, ethnic, and landed areas of the islands and climate influences significantly affecting agriculture and trade, and the formation of the state. The boundaries of the Indonesian state determine the 20th-century boundaries of the East Indies. The fossil remains of Homo erectus and its tools, known as "Java Man", indicate that the Indonesian islands lived at least 1.5 million years ago. Often modern Austronesian people forming modern populations, originally from Taiwan, and were thought to have arrived in Indonesia in the year 2000 BC.From the seventh century, powerful Sreevibani Navy came forward with the Hindu and Buddhist influences here. Agricultural Buddhist Shailendra and Hindu Matram breed later fall and fall within the java. The last significant non-Muslim empire, Hindu majapahit empire, extended from the late nineteenth century, and its influence largely ended in Indonesia. The first testimony of the Islamic population in Indonesia is 13th century in North Sumatra; Other Indonesians gradually embraced Islam, which became dominant religion in Java and Sumatra by the end of the 16th century.
In most part, mixed and mixed with the existing cultural and religious influences of Islam. Portuguese, such as Europeans came to Indonesia in the 16th century, wanted to combine the valuable nutmeg, powders, and cabbage pepper in Maluku. In 1602, the Dutch established the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and in 1610 AD established the dominant European rule. After the bankruptcy, in 1828,

 the geographical visits were geographically broken and the Dutch government established Dutch East Indies under the government control. In the early twentieth century, Dutch authority expanded to the current borders. During World War II, during 1942-45 the Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation ended in Ducha's rule and encouraged the repressed Indonesia's independence movement. Two days after Japan surrendered in August 1945, the nationalist leader Sukarno declared independence and was elected president. The Netherlands tried to reestablish its rule, but in December 1949 a bitter armed and diplomatic struggle ended, when international pressure in the Dutch officially recognized independence in Indonesia. In 1965 a coup attempt was led by a violent army led by the Communist Pure Opposition, which killed half a million people. General Suharto politically defeated President Sukarno and was elected president in March 1968. His new order administration won the West's interest, which led to most economic growth of the next three decades due to investment in Indonesia. In late 1990, Indonesia was the toughest hit country due to the East Asian financial crisis, due to the popular protests and Suharto's resignation on May 21, 1998. After the resignation of Suharto, the Reformasi era, including the strengthening of democratic expansion, led to a regional autonomy program, the separation of East Timor, and the first direct presidential elections in 2004. Political and economic instability, social unrest, corruption, natural disasters and progress of terrorism have diminished. Although relations between different religious and ethnic groups are most of the good, intense communal discontent and violence there are issues in someareas.
