The History Of Egypt
Egypt's history has long and rich, due to the flow of the Nile River, with its fertile banks and delta. Its rich history also comes from its native residents and external influences. Most of the mysteries in ancient Egyptian history were not available until the discovery and assistance of the Rosetta Stone, the mysteries of ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph. The Great Pyramid of Giza is still standing only in the seven wonders of the ancient world. Alexandria's lighthouse, another seven weird ones, has gone. The library of Alexandria was its only feature for hundreds of years. The human settlement in Egypt is back in at least 40,000 BCE, with Etienian tool manufacturing. [Citation needed] Ancient Egyptian civilization was involved in the political integration of Upper and Lower Egypt under 3150 BC First King of the First Dynasty, in general. Initially the Egyptian rule was the conquest of the Akkmenide Empire in the 6th century BC in the 6th century. In 332 BCE, the Macedonian ruler Alexander defeated Egypt, because he defeated Achimedes and established the Ptolemian kingdom of Hellenic, whose first ruler was Alexander Alexander's former general,
Ptolemy I. Satorar. Ptolemy had to fight against the indigenous rebellion and due to the involvement of foreign and civil war, the kingdom of Rome collapsed and its final integration occurred. Egypt's nominal independence ended after the death of Cleopatra, which resulted in Egypt becoming one of the provinces of the Roman Empire. [Quote required] The Roman rule of Egypt (including Byzantine) lasted from 30 BC to 641 AD, there was a short spell of control of the Sassanid Empire in the Sashanese Empire from 619-629, which is known as Sassanian Egypt. [Muslim quote] Egypt's Muslim conquest, some parts of Egypt, the Christian Caliph and the province of other Muslim dynasties: Rashidun Khilafat (623-661), Umaiya Khilafat (661-750), Abbasid Khilafat (750-909), Fatimd Khilafat (909-1171) , Sultanate of Ayubid (1171-1260) and Mamluk Sultanat (1250-1517), in 1517, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I captured Cairo and exploited Egypt in the Ottoman Empire. Egypt was fully Ottoman until 1867, except for French occupation from 1798 to 1801. [Citation needed] In 1867, Egypt became a prominent autonomous tributary, which is known as Khadevat of Egypt. However, under British rule in 1882 after the Anglo-Egyptian war.
After the end of World War II and the Egyptian Revolution in 1919, the kingdom of Egypt was established. As an independent state, the UK controls foreign affairs, defense, and other matters. With the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1954, British occupation continued until 1954. In 1953, the modern Republic of Egypt was established and with the complete withdrawal of British forces from the Suez Canal in 1956, for the first time in 2300 years it was marked that Egypt was completely independent and the native Egyptians ruled. [Citation needed] President Gamal Abdel Nasir (from 1956 to 1970) made a number of reforms on Presidential amendment and formed the short-lived United Arab Republic (including Syria). His terms also saw the creation of six-day war and international unrestricted movement. His successor, Anwar Sadat (President from 1970 to 1981) changed the Egyptian tragedy, went away from many political and economic policies of Nasrata, restarted multi-party system and introduced Infitah economic policy. In 1973 he led Yame Kippur war to rebuild the Miss Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, which occupied Israel since the six-day war of 1967. Later it led to Egypt-Israel peace treaty. During the nearly thirty years of Hosni Mubarak's rule in former Egyptian history, Egypt's influence has been influenced. The 2011 Egyptian revolution blamed Mubarak and emerged as the first democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi in Egyptian history. The 2013 Egyptian coup led to the dissolution of the 2011 conflict and related disagreements.
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