It is vital to follow some warnings before using or managing computers

It is vital to follow some warnings before using or managing computers

Some cautionary words that must be followed before using or managing computers 1. To access the smoke or something like that on the computer side. Because they can bring hard disks to a cruelty. 2. The computer should be kept directly away from the sunlight or wet weather. Generally, the AC room is good. In other cases, there is no wet weather in the house and the room is fairly cold. 3. The computer can not be kept in the wall. There are special arrangements to keep yourself cool in every computer. If the wall is besieged, then the system is interrupted. The computer may also be damaged when entering the lime, color etc. from the wall, entering the computer. 4. Before starting the computer, you must check that the fitted wires are fitted properly. If there is any sloping of it, the computer device can be damaged by a spark. 5. Power on the computer must be a voltage stabilizer medium because the voltage of the lightning in the earth is very fast, so that the voltage may suddenly appear in the computer. The computer's fragile items can burn. 6. Disk drives can never be detected in the light of the disk drive. If the disk drive reader head may be lost. 7. Computer signal lamp (red antigarette bulb) is blinking, it is understood that the computer is doing any work. In this situation the computer switch can not be closed directly. It can damage the hard disk. 8. Computer hard disk should never be formatted. 9. While working on the computer, it can not be unstable. There are many tasks that the computer can take some time to perform. Anything unstable will interfere with normal computer work. As a result, the computer may be damaged. 10. Computer keyboards are essential components. The buttons on this keyboard are very sensitive. It should not be operated with too much pressure. No liquids or fluids can be found near the keyboard. 11. While working on a program, the computer can not be closed by pressing the switch directly without closing the program. To shut down the computer, all programmers should shut down and shut down the computer's scheduled shutdown system.
