How to Start and Close off Computer?

How to Start and Close off Computer

To start the computer, first click the power button on the monitor and the PC, wait for a while, in a short time your computer will be started. There is nothing to learn here. However, you have to comply with some rules of computer shutdown. 1- Never turn off the computer by opening "dragging it" in the computer. 2- The computer can not be shut down by pressing the power button on the computer. However, if you have a computer hanging or hanging on the screen, then holding the power button will be able to hold it off. But this method is as good as possible to be removed. 3- Now the rules of computer shutdown in the right way. Before closing the computer, you have to stop all running programs,


then you will need to click the Start button from the Start menu at the bottom right of the hand.


Click on the Start menu and

on off
on off

click on Turn off computer. The following is shown in the picture below. After clicking on the Turn off computer dialog box, see the image below. Click the Turn off button here and then your computer will be shut down for a while. This is the right way to shutdown the computer.
