Computer history learning

Computer history

In the prehistoric era, various efforts of inventing the instruments of calculation are considered as computer history. In ancient times,
computer learning.

man used to use mussels, gravel, rope gitt etc to mean numbers. Abacus, an ancient counting machine, is considered to be the first device in computer history. It was discovered in Babylon in the year 2400 BC in Babylon. The composite machine has been replaced by the calculator in the abacus frame. Abacus was created as 450/500 BC in Egypt or in China as a composite instrument. In 1616, Scottish mathematician John Napier used to print or use punctuation or rack to calculate. These rocks are known as John Napier's bone. In 1642, the 19 year old French scientist Blaise Pascal discovered the first mechanical calculator. He started the procedure to add yogurt to a tooth wheel or gear. 1671 German mathematician Gottfried von Libin Pascal created a more advanced mechanical calculator with the ability to divide and divide using wheels and rocks, based on the machine. He named the machine Rechoning Mechine. Later in 1820, Thomas D. Kommer revised the recoding machine and made Libny's device popular. In the beginning of the nineteenth century, the idea of ​​the creation and use of a modern device (which can only be mathematically calculated, without any intelligence, only mechanically, by the way), firstly promoted Charles Barbez. He named it Definition Engine. While working on this difference engine (in 1833), he got ideas on an advanced and universal instrument called analytical engine. But he could not finish any work due to lack of necessary equipment and money. The true origins of computer science are Alan Turing's first theoretical and later practical research. From the middle of the twentieth century modern computers started to develop. Microcomputer rapidly developed due to the development of microprocessor in 1971. Different types of personal computers or PCs are priced at different prices and sizes in the market. He has been invented with a lot of operating systems, program language, countless practical package programs. There has also been a widespread expansion of computer networks and the Internet and associated services and services. Many institutional and non-formal computer education and research institutes have been established and expanded to provide computer education. In recent times computers and IT have taken up a large part of the business-related business and IT business, and jobs have become largely computer based. After the Intel Corporation of America invented the microprocessor in 1971, the microprocessor-based computer started coming to market. Since then, a great revolution was achieved in the shape and efficiency of the computer. In the year 1981, IBM Computer's Personal Computer or PC After that, one after another was invented, a high-powered microprocessor, and a powerful PC to be made. Since the IBM company did not have any restriction in the creation of IBM Compatibility Computer, the value of such computers reduced greatly and its usage continued to increase. At the same time, IBM Computer and Apple Computer Inc. released their invented Apple-Macintosh computer market. But Apple did not show any kind of generosity in the computibilization of computer, because Macintosh did not get much popularity, so Apple did not get much popularity. But due to some kind of practical advantages, the Apple-Macintosh computer was widely used in the print industry. Source: Computer
