Computer history in Bangladesh

Computer history in Bangladesh

Computer usage in Bangladesh started
in the sixties and nineties.
From the middle of the decade,
the information technology in the country has started to become very popular. The first computer in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) was established in 1964 at the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission's Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka. It was a mainframe computer of the 1620 series of IBM (International Business Machines - IBM) company. The main use of the machine was to complete mathematical calculations in complex research. In the sixties, bank-insurance and business-commerce started to grow rapidly with scientific studies in the country and abroad; And this increases the amount of routine accounting, and is required to accelerate as quickly as possible. It is almost impossible to manage hands-on accounts in many large institutions. During this time, a number of large companies of the country have installed expensive mainframe computers. In the late sixties, Habib Bank established IBM 1401 computer and United Bank IBM 1901 computer. These computer used mainly for all accounts of the bank was the third-generation mainframe type. Before independence, an IBM 360 computer was installed in the Bureau of Statistics in 1969. At the time of the Adamjee Jute Mill, a mainframe computer was installed. In the limited range, in the pre-independence country, in the courses of mathematics, physics, applied physics, electrical and electronics techniques, the introduction of computer hardware and software started. Since 1972, large scale computers such as IBM 370, IBM 9100, and IBM 4341 were established in the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Source: Computerকম্পিউটার
