Computer classification
The computer is divided into different categories based on the size, value, storage capacity, data processing and performance editing and usage facilities. The computer has been divided into four parts in terms of form and usage. The shares are:
Super Computer
Super Computer - The biggest computer
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Mainframe Computer
Mainframe Computer - Smaller than supercomputer, but larger than other computers, this type of computer simultaneously can work with many accepting face / emission face and many other types of help. The use of such computers is seen in large companies. Examples include UNIVAC 1100/01, IBM6120, IBM4341, NCR N8370, DATA GENERAL CS30 etc.
Mini Computer
Mini Computer - It is possible to put a medium type of computer on a table.
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Micro Computer
Micro Computer - Currently the most popular in the world, these types of computers are small in size and are also very cheap at prices. For the central processing part, the circuit is usually used for single board. In the case of our living, this type of computer is used, so it is also called a micro computer or personal computer. Examples include - IBM PC, APPLE iMac etc. Micro computers or personal computers are divided into three categories. Such as
1- Super Micro
Super micro computer is the most
powerful micro computer. Another name for the work station. They are occupying the position of the mini-frame, because the class computer power is near the mini computer.2- Desktop (Desk Top)
These types of computers can easily be
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3- Laptop (Lap Top) contents
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